Monday, July 21, 2014

Just Do It

When it comes to working out there really are no secrets or tricks.. you just have to roll it like Nike© and JUST DO IT!
Sounds easier as it actually is, huh?
Well I'm going to share my personal tips with you so you'll soon be able to start your workout as you first think of it :)

 Plan ahead   

Oftentimes I catch myself procrastinating a workout until I barely have any time left to actually do it. This may happen when my alarm goes off in the morning and I try to convince myself that a super quick 10 minutes workout in my bedroom will be as great as a 30 minutes morning run..Or even when I'm already at the gym thinking about leaving some machines out (luckily I never succeed and finish my workout ;)

But this only happens if I didn't plan ahead! When I am actually planning on going for a beautiful morning run while the air is still fresh I am more likely to do so.
And if I tell myself "Do not skip any machines today, you are already here!" I won't.
One tip I've read many times before is to think of your workouts as appointments you have with yourself. You won't cancel an important date just because it is "too hot" or you are "too tired", would you? Probably not. So why do it with your workouts?

Be a now excuses kind of girl

Sometimes, after a really stressful day all I wanna do is lay on my bed and do nothing. I maybe have a headache, feel tired and exhausted and just not in the consitution to workout. I bet you know that feeling.
But all you have to do now is stop feeling so very sorry for yourself and do it anyways! Yeah you read that right because in the end all of those reasons to not workout are just excuses.
And excuses don't burn calories. As soon as you identify your excuses you can eliminate them. Because I didn't (wanna) realize that being tired is an excuse. 
(This works for guys too ;)

Stop thinking - start doing

Don't even give yourself the chance to think of any excuses! If you are having a stressful day..why take the time to look for reasons to stop being productive instead of just doing it?
The very moment you come home, take your (already packed) gym bag and head out the door.. or change your clothes and go for a run or a workout at home.

Even my Ipod reminds me :)

Little Reminders

Set yourself little reminders.. This can be a post-it on your mirror or a reminder on your phone But change them up every once in a while, we get easily used to them and stop noticing them.


How to?
  • Plan your workouts! The more precisely you are, the better (and of course stick to it ;) 
  • No excuses. Not a single one!
  • Don't slow down, keep going, just do it. 
  • Set yourself reminders




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