Monday, July 28, 2014

Do what you love (&love what you do!)

This week's post ist dedicated to finding something new (or something old you haven't done in quite a while ;) that you love doing. Because I don't see the point in running if you absolutely hate it or going to the gym if you feel totally uncomfortable there!
But how?

What is your goal?

First you have to ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Is it to run a 5k? Or to lift 100kg? Or to tone up your thighs?
Found something? Of course you did. There are plenty of things we would love to do. But are those really your goals? Do you really want to run that half marathon because it is your goal or because it is somebody other's?
Most of the time we want to do everything. Maybe because a magazine told you to do so. Or because your best friend loves doing it.
But you have to find something that YOU want. This will take some time, don't worry ;)

Step out of your comfort zone!

In order to find something you truly enjoy you have to try out new things!
Go to a new class, try out that new machine at the gym, go on the treadmill, go for a run, do a workout at home, find some time to meditate in the morning.. What ever it might be, you have to do it! Otherwise you'll never know if this is something for you.
I for example went on a treadmill at my gym last week (until then I've always been kinda scared) and now I'm in love with sprints on there!

Keep doing it.. or not?

There will be days when you don't feel like doing a certain exercise. But that doesn't mean you should stop it. At least if you truly enjoy it most of the time!
If you hate it and never feel good while doing it then don't. Not everyone likes running. Not everyone likes finishing a certain challenge ;)

There are times when I hate the thought of going to the gym but love doing workouts at home instead. This usually changes after a few month and then you'll find me at the gym 6 times a week but not doing any workouts at home. And that's okay. Because you should do what you love.
Of course substituting a 5k for 30 seconds of planking is not what I'm talking about.
But if you continue getting great workouts in.. it really doesn't matter how.
And you'll also be more likely to stick to your plan and won't look for excuses, since you're having fun doing it! :)

How to?

  • Ask yourself what YOU want to do
  • Try out new things.. the more, the better! :)
  • Stick to the workouts you love and truly enjoy doing
  • And if you get bored again after a few months.. the find something new! 

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